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Make an Appointment with
Use the location dropdown to specify where the appointment will take place. Selecting a different location will reload the appointment dates and times that are available to be booked.

Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.

Marywood Course Tutoring

Need a tutor for a course outside of writing, math, or science? You can request a personal weekly tutor!

What is course tutoring?

  • A  free service to all Marywood undergraduate students.
  • Requests are granted on a first-come and first-serve basis without preferential treatment, and it is not a 504 accommodation.
  • By requesting a tutor, students agree to communicate clearly and frequently to make and attend a weekly 30-60 minute tutoring session with their assigned tutor. Failure to adhere to this policy through any combination of absent communication, no-shows, or last minute or frequent cancellations may result in loss of all all tutoring services for the remainder of the semester. 
  • Course tutoring is meant to be ongoing and supplemental academic assistance in conjunction with attending courses, independent studying, and utilizing professor office hours. It is not intended for cram sessions, and sessions must not go beyond or below weekly time limit. 
  • Tutor requests are open week 1-13 of the semester. 

Who are the tutors?

What classes are there tutors for?

  • We always strive to provide tutors for every course offered, but availability is based on the staffing, the applicant pool during the hiring period in the previous semester, and demand.
  • List of current courses with available tutors

How do I request a tutor?

I still have questions

  • Please contact Katie McNulty (, Director of Tutoring and Writing Centers, with questions or concerns.